Who’s ‘the Official Corporate Sponsor of Airport Paranoia’?

Travel Blog  •  Michael Yessis  •  02.12.07 | 6:42 AM ET

That would be Rolodex, according to Up in the Air author Walter Kirn. While traveling through Los Angeles International Airport recently, Kirn came across the same bin-bottom advertisement at the security checkpoint that I did a few months ago. “The ad bewildered me for a couple of reasons,” he writes in the New York Times Magazine. “First, I didn’t expect to see it there (even though, by now, I should have, since researchers estimate that the average city dweller is exposed to 5,000 ads per day, up from 2,000 per day three decades ago). The second and greater mystery, however, was why a major company would want me to associate its product with the experience of being searched.” Precisely.

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