Video You Must See: ‘Newport (Ymerodraeth State of Mind)’

Video  •  Michael Yessis  •  07.29.10 | 12:25 PM ET

In this Welsh town, "Chips, cheese, curry makes you feel brand new." Take that New York and Jay-Z.

Michael Yessis

Michael Yessis is the cofounder and coeditor-in-chief of World Hum.

2 Comments for Video You Must See: ‘Newport (Ymerodraeth State of Mind)’

Data Entry 08.02.10 | 7:29 PM ET

Very funny


Henri 08.31.10 | 7:09 AM ET

Terrific - big LOL and of course respect for the mention of Tom Jones - he is from Newport isn’t he?

Big H @ Travelling Times

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