And the Winner Is ... Obama

Travel Blog  •  Jim Benning  •  11.04.08 | 4:59 PM ET

At least if you ask the rest of the world who should win. My favorite comment came from a Ugandan quoted in the Times of London story: “We support Obama not as a person but as a new phenomenon.”

4 Comments for And the Winner Is ... Obama

Eva 11.04.08 | 6:13 PM ET

Geez, Jim, that headline had me thinking I’d lost track of the time for a second!

“His is the America of jazz and Fitzgerald and Falconer and Kerouac and Kennedy.”

Interesting quote. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Kerouac and Kennedy on the same list before?

Jim Benning 11.04.08 | 6:23 PM ET

It sounds good on paper, at least. Though I have to think they meant Faulkner, not Falconer.

Ling 11.05.08 | 10:36 AM ET

Well, the world got its wish. Now everyone can start loving America again. Unless Obama wants to start a war too…

Jennifer 11.06.08 | 9:05 AM ET

Unfortunately the Ugandan quote hits a lot closer to home than most Obama supporters would like to admit.  I find it ironic that such a spot on quote came out of one of the most corrupt of African nations!  Perhaps the rest of the world knows us better than we know ourselves!?  Phenomenons don’t neccessarily translate into qualified leaders!  It remains to be seen whether our “image” will be improved throughout the world, and while our image certainly matters, this coutry currently has far more pressing issues to worry about than whether the rest of the world likes us or not!

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