Anthony Bourdain on Travel, Vietnam and his “Graham Greene Worldview”

Travel Blog  •  Jim Benning  •  06.14.06 | 4:59 PM ET

imageBookslut has posted a terrific interview with the Ramones-loving chef, traveler and TV host. Among the highlights, Bourdain talks about his love of travel in Vietnam and what he calls his “Graham Greene worldview.” He said, “To me The Quiet American is a happy book. I read it every year. It nails Vietnam. It’s still there, that Vietnam. It’s a perfect metaphor, he loves a woman who can never fully love him back. It is a perfect metaphor for colonialism and Western adventurism in the East. I don’t care, I just want to be there.” Elsewhere, he remarked, “Vietnam in particular ruined my whole life. My expectations for what I see when I open my eyes in the morning, or even little things like the condiments on the table when I sit down.” Bourdain is the author of the new book, The Nasty Bits: Collected Varietal Cuts, Usable Trim, Scraps, and Bones.

5 Comments for Anthony Bourdain on Travel, Vietnam and his “Graham Greene Worldview”

Julia Ross 06.14.06 | 9:51 PM ET

Great interview. I’ll just add a plug here for “No Reservations,” which I think has really hit its stride in the second season. Bourdain’s enthusiasm for Asia is infectious. Why can’t the Travel Channel bring us more like this?

Jim 06.15.06 | 12:42 AM ET

I agree, Julia. I’m a big fan of the show, too. And based on what he had to say in the interview, we have lots to look forward to in the future.

theonetheycallkamps 07.04.06 | 7:14 PM ET

Frickin great author with a the perfect amount of anthropy

Ba 03.16.07 | 5:43 AM ET

the film The quite American has been on TV many times, it is great film…

Adam in Mui Ne 08.13.07 | 11:46 PM ET

You can read my own review of Anthony’s previous book, “A Cook’s Tour” and his love affiar with Vietnam on at:;jsessionid=26D5263A7A646457867C8268AF7955CA

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