Editor’s Note of the Month

Travel Blog  •  Jim Benning  •  04.25.06 | 11:43 AM ET

It appears something went more than a little wrong in a recent Christian Science Monitor travel column. Click on the link for an April 14 story intriguingly entitled Backstory: Flying with Kimmie, Kimmie, and Kimmie, and the following message appears in place of a story: “[Editor’s note: The original article satirized the airline industry using what was supposed to be a fictitious carrier, Trans States Airlines. A Trans States Airlines has existed since 1982. The regional carrier, which provides service for United Airlines, American Airlines, and US Airways, won the regional airline of the year award in 2004 from Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine. The Monitor never intended to make any observations about this airline and regrets the error.]” Ouch.


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