Invasion of the Kilt-Wearing, Buttocks-Baring Scots!

Travel Blog  •  Jim Benning  •  05.30.07 | 3:17 PM ET

imagePhoto by hans s via Flickr (Creative Commons).

Our hearts go out to the nation of Poland. Groups of kilt-wearing, underwear-challenged Scottish men drawn to cheap beer are apparently invading the country, getting loaded and, adding insult to injury, yes, lifting their kilts. “It’s easy to spot these so-called ‘tourists’ from a mile off,” sniffed one local paper. Now, authorities are considering changes to the law. According to “In the city of Wroclaw, in the south-west of Poland, officials are exploring a kilt ban after being horrified by groups of drunk Scottish men who lifted their kilts to strangers to reveal their buttocks. Local police admit they have been unable to control the groups of maurauding Scots, despite complaints from outraged locals and fed-up bar owners, who claim Scots are rowdy, break glasses and leave pub toilets in a shocking state.”

We’d like to politely suggest to our kilt-wearing Scottish readers that they peruse our recent Ask Rolf column, Should I Pack My Kilt on My Trip to Asia?

Yes, the question focuses on Asia, but much of the advice could be applied to Poland.

Potts, to his credit, advises against taking a kilt to Asia. But he adds:

If you do choose to bring your kilt, remember to be culturally conscientious about where you wear it (i.e., never in temples or mosques). In more formal parts of Asia, bare legs are seen as an aberration, and wearing a kilt might feel uncomfortable outside of a beach setting. With this in mind, you might consider bringing a Velcro-action Sport Kilt to wear at the beach, which is lighter and more sarong-like than a more traditional kilt.

And for God’s sake, wear some underwear.

Thanks for tip, Ron.

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