Krubera Cave, Georgia

Travel Blog  •  Ben Keene  •  06.17.06 | 12:25 PM ET

Coordinates: 43 12 N 41 5 E
Deepest point reached: 6,824 feet (2,080 m)
imageWith the onset of summer in the Northern Hemisphere and average temperatures worldwide on the rise, the question on the minds of many is: how to beat the heat? For cavers willing to travel to Abkhazia on the eastern coast of the Black Sea, one solution might be to head underground. Krubera Cave in the Republic of Georgia, with limestone passages that extend to depths well over a mile and half, offers a particularly cool opportunity. In the last few years, teams of explorers seeking to push deeper into Krubera Cave have contended with hypothermia while diving through flooded parts.

.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) is the editor of the Oxford Atlas of the World.


Ben Keene has appeared on National Public Radio, Peter Greenberg Worldwide Radio as well as other nationally syndicated programs to discuss geographic literacy and his work updating a bestselling world atlas. Formerly a touring musician, he has written for Transitions Abroad and inTravel.

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