Keeping Austin Weird: The iPhone Slideshow

Slideshow  •  Valerie Conners  •  03.31.09 | 9:00 AM ET Photo 1 of 10

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Austin is a haven for hipsters, tech geeks and the generally offbeat. Capturing the town's funky, creative pulse seemed a task best handled not by some sleek, high-pixeled camera, but with that icon of indie: the iPhone. Here, an ominous display of doll heads decorates the window of one of South Austin's many vintage shops.

Valerie Conners

Valerie Conners is the senior producer and editor at World Hum.

1 Comment for Keeping Austin Weird: The iPhone Slideshow

shirley a wermund 04.02.09 | 10:32 AM ET

Wonder who won all those free trips?

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