Moon-Gazing Around the Globe

Slideshow  •  Alicia Imbody  •  08.03.09 | 10:32 AM ET Photo 1 of 12

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London, England

Alicia Imbody is a former World Hum intern and an international development consulant based out of Washington D.C.

2 Comments for Moon-Gazing Around the Globe

Sydney 09.06.09 | 12:30 AM ET

Thank you for posting this, I think it’s absolutely wonderful. The moonlight makes everything look so alien. I’m using one of these as the background on my labtop, I hope you don’t mind, I’d just like to enjoy it a little longer.

Jessie Lee 09.22.09 | 10:42 PM ET

I am used to using the moonlight as setting wallpaper and the background on my PC. I find it peaceful.

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