Catalonia Votes to Ban Bullfights

Travel Blog  •  Jim Benning  •  07.28.10 | 12:41 PM ET

Or as the Spanish newspaper El País proclaimed in its headline, Cataluña prohíbe los toros.

The historic vote marks the first time a Spanish region has moved to ban the pastime. Reports the New York Times:

In many ways, however, the ban reflected less on the animal rights than on a political debate over Catalan identity and a push by local parties for greater independence from the rest of Spain.

That hasn’t stopped animal rights groups from claiming a victory.

1 Comment for Catalonia Votes to Ban Bullfights

jvmfan 07.28.10 | 1:22 PM ET

Fantastic!!!We need to protect animals!! These animal organizations are getting very smart. There is a new pro-animal site geared towards the media and press—totally free—that is massively distributing their pro-animal video. The video is showing up on MTV, NBC, etc. A CNN story that just aired is at

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