Happy 50th Birthday, Hawaii

Travel Blog  •  Eva Holland  •  08.21.09 | 2:18 PM ET

Photo by mandolin davis via Flickr (Creative Commons)

The islands are celebrating five decades of statehood today. In the New York Times, Paul Theroux offers a very, well, Theroux-like tribute to his adopted home: “I have lived in Hawaii longer than any other place in my life. I have murmured to myself in Africa, Asia and Britain, ‘I’d hate to die here.’ But I wouldn’t mind dying in Hawaii, which means I like living here.”

Eva Holland is co-editor of World Hum. She is a former associate editor at Up Here and Up Here Business magazines, and a contributor to Vela. She's based in Canada's Yukon territory.

5 Comments for Happy 50th Birthday, Hawaii

Bryan 08.21.09 | 3:46 PM ET

Paul Theroux’s article has received a lot of heat in its comment section. I think that goes to show how controversial celebrating statehood for a once-independent island nation is. However, Hawaiian legends like Eddia Aikau and Duke Kahanamoku ( http://explore.org/explore/hawaii/films/150 ) have ensured that Hawaiian culture has not only remained strong and vibrant, but has had a pretty big influence on the mainland US!

Cheap Airfare 08.24.09 | 8:07 AM ET

I’m glad for them as they celebrate the anniversary of their statehood. As Hawaii is one of fav place on earth!!

Keiy 08.26.09 | 1:10 AM ET

Congrats for Hawaii’s 50th birthday. Hawaii definitely will always be the one of many most favorite places in the world.Keiy

hawaii guide 09.10.09 | 1:54 AM ET

It all depends on the perspective from which one sees things. For most of us who are not familiar with the history of Hawaii then one may say “congratulations” but for some others, and especially for the native Hawaiians, this may not be so much of a happy birthday.

David Mears 10.10.09 | 4:18 PM ET

I am 50 retired and Single and would love to visit Hawaii, I am half Native American, So I know what it means to the Island born people to keep it the ways of the old, I am 50 but look 30 with long dark hair and i get tired of being profiled in the states, I want to feel free, Look at my heart ! Is Hawaii a free Spirit

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