What We Loved This Week: The Texas Rangers, Willian Finnegan, and Lunch at Singapore’s Embassy

Travel Blog  •  World Hum  •  10.22.10 | 5:07 PM ET

Eva Holland
I’ve been sifting through old travel photos this week, and I came across a snapshot that I’d completely forgotten about, from the Country Music Hall of Fame in Nashville. I still love this quote:

Photo by Eva Holland

Sophia Dembling
What do I love this week? The Texas Rangers, of course! Although as a native New Yorker transplanted in Texas, my two cultural identities find themselves in deep conflict. Still, I can justify my allegiance to the Texas team because I was a Mets fan back in my New York days. Go Rangers!

Michael Yessis
Lunch at the Singapore Embassy. After living in the Washington D.C. area for more than four years, I finally made it to a function at one of the embassies. Another milestone experienced over lunch: My first Singapore Sling. Tasty.

Jim Benning
William Finnegan’s excellent New Yorker story about Tijuana. While it doesn’t make you want to run down for a visit, it’s a fascinating (and deeply troubling) piece.

2 Comments for What We Loved This Week: The Texas Rangers, Willian Finnegan, and Lunch at Singapore’s Embassy

TambourineMan 10.23.10 | 2:19 PM ET

Yes, Go Rangers! As a Dodger fan, I would even high-five George W. Bush if Texas DESTROYS the San Francsico Giants.

Steve 10.24.10 | 5:47 PM ET

The only problem I have with the Rangers being in the World Series is that George Bush will probably be at every game and we’ll have to bear watching his mug for at least 4 games.

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