Video You Must See: Japan at Warp Speed

Video  •  Eva Holland  •  05.18.10 | 1:10 PM ET

An up-tempo time-lapse visit to Japan

Eva Holland is co-editor of World Hum. She is a former associate editor at Up Here and Up Here Business magazines, and a contributor to Vela. She's based in Canada's Yukon territory.

3 Comments for Video You Must See: Japan at Warp Speed

David 05.18.10 | 6:35 PM ET

Awesome! Thanks for sharing. I just did a video of our trip to Japan and yours makes mine look incredibly weak.

Global Granny 05.19.10 | 9:50 PM ET

Seriously - just how many of these do we need to see?  Warp-speed video of most every blessed thing has now become oh so tiresomely overdone.  Please.

Julia 05.27.10 | 4:42 PM ET

ANything that makes me feel like I just dropped a hit of LSD and vicariously tasted Tokyo is, in my easily-titillated estimation, AWESOME. Global granny sounds tired and tiresome.

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