‘Snakes on a Plane’: The Reality TV Show?

Travel Blog  •  Michael Yessis  •  08.30.06 | 6:47 AM ET

This casting call, which recently appeared on Craigslist, can’t possibly be real: “Synopsis: 20 contestants (10 male/10 female) travel by commercial aircraft to 10 different cities around the world. With the crew and pilots secure, the contestants will share the cabin area with 200 snakes. 5 of the 200 are poisonous. Each flight will be between 5 -12 hours in length. The reward at the end of each flight will be a day spent in luxury visiting the exotic destination city. Contestants can then choose to fly 3 friends out and extend their visit for week, all expense paid OR get back on the flight for the next leg of the competition. If at any time a contestant is bit by any of the 5 poisonous snake, antivenom will be administered and they will be eliminated.” Then again, maybe reality-show producers—and some potential contestants—are that dumb.

1 Comment for ‘Snakes on a Plane’: The Reality TV Show?

Eva Holland 08.30.06 | 9:15 AM ET

Nothing that reality tv comes up with could surprise me anymore - not since I heard about the upcoming Survivor, battle of the races.

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