‘What Happens Here, Stays Here’: The Dark Side of Las Vegas’s Tourism Slogan

Travel Blog  •  Michael Yessis  •  07.28.06 | 10:41 AM ET

Here’s what happens when some people start taking Las Vegas’s ad slogan—“What Happens Here, Stays Here”—a little too seriously: First, they arrive in Las Vegas and do things they never do at home, often involving too much alcohol, too little judgment and an alibi provided by the official Las Vegas Alibi Generator 2.0. Sometimes what they do in Vegas also happens to be dangerous and possibly illegal, and that captures the attention of the Las Vegas Police Department. And that prompts the local Las Vegas NBC affiliate to run a sensational local news story asking, Is the Vegas slogan causing problems for police? The answer? Well, maybe, but we don’t want to kill the golden goose.

The news segment features some great—and by great I mean so bad it’s good—footage of tourists talking about some of the things they’ve done in Las Vegas and concludes with a poll asking locals if “What Happens Here, Stays Here” is a good or bad slogan for Las Vegas. The response: 58 percent said it’s good and 38 percent said it’s bad. No, that last four percent weren’t too inebriated to respond. They just weren’t sure. The margin of error was 4.4 percent.

3 Comments for ‘What Happens Here, Stays Here’: The Dark Side of Las Vegas’s Tourism Slogan

celebrex 03.13.07 | 8:04 AM ET

I didn’t know there is a Las Vegas Alibi Generator 2.0. It’s weird how far people are willing to go for a party in Las Vegas. If they want adrenaline why not stay at home and inject some in their hearts!? O.o Seriously now, the ad, the ads in general have nothing to do with people’s decisions. It’s the people’s faults, not the ads. I was wondering… what would an ad like: “I like to kill myself.” do the the mankind? Exterminate us all!?!?

Stephanie 08.11.07 | 1:20 PM ET

See my suggestion for the new Las Vegas slogan poster.

Stephanie 08.11.07 | 1:21 PM ET

See my suggestion for the new Las Vegas slogan poster here:


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