Conan O’Brien Takes on Finland

Travel Blog  •  Michael Yessis  •  03.10.06 | 7:38 AM ET

imageThe Late Night host will finally debut footage from his recent trip to Finland on tonight’s program. If you can’t wait, check out the video teaser and a series of photos he’s already posted on the Late Night With Conan O’Brien Web site. O’Brien’s trip seems to be creating some buzz for Finland tourism, and the Finnish Tourist Board is certainly trying to capitalize on it.



Yesterday I received a press release from the organization saying, “Those seeking to follow O’Brien’s Finland trail can do so with ease,” and following up with a pitch for special travel packages from Boston and New York. Ah, yes, nobody can lure travelers to Finland quite like an American television comic who looks like the country’s president.

Tags: Europe, Finland

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