Ireland, Mermaids and a 500-Year-Old Grudge

Travel Blog  •  Michael Yessis  •  03.17.08 | 10:49 AM ET

When Bryan Patrick Miller’s mother was dying of a terminal illness, she asked him to visit Ireland and piece together their family’s history. It didn’t take him long to find out his “family was hated all over southwest Ireland.” His terrific New York Times Magazine story chronicles the revelation.

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* Family Traveling

Tags: Europe, Ireland

2 Comments for Ireland, Mermaids and a 500-Year-Old Grudge

Nadia 03.18.08 | 7:26 AM ET

Michael,thanks.the story Return of Glavin sounds strange and interesting too.cant imagine the grudge of the people for this long years.

DuncanH 03.18.08 | 10:42 AM ET

This is what I might call a tall tale and if you believe it all, you may just encounter a leprechaun on your next visit to Ireland!

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