R.I.P. Michael Crichton

Travel Blog  •  Michael Yessis  •  11.05.08 | 1:37 PM ET

imageThe author of many blockbuster airplane novels, as well as the simply titled Travels, died yesterday in Los Angeles. He was 66. His travels informed his life. “Often I feel I go to some distant region of the world to be reminded of who I really am,” he wrote.

2 Comments for R.I.P. Michael Crichton

TambourineMan 11.05.08 | 3:21 PM ET

Let’s not forget he also wrote/directed one of the great travel movies: Westworld

Eco-citizen 11.06.08 | 2:23 AM ET

Amidst all the eulogies for an admittedly talented and successful writer, honesty also compels deserved castigation of his 2005 book, “Constant Fear”. Lest we forget, that book denied the very reality of man-made global warming and slandered as fear mongers, the many scientists warning of the problem.

Unless he recanted or somehow “repented” the damage done by that book, compounded by his subsequent testimony to a congressional committee eager to hear his “debunking”,he leaves a mixed legacy.

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