Why My Travel Book Will be Called ‘Walk the Lost World of the Great Black Sea’

Travel Blog  •  Michael Yessis  •  06.15.10 | 12:23 PM ET

I’m confident it will be a best seller. Here’s why: I fed the titles of the 100 most celebrated travel books of all time into a word cloud creator, and, as you can see, all the words in my title are quite popular.

Readers and critics will love my book. Sean Penn will buy the movie rights. I will be rich.

10 Comments for Why My Travel Book Will be Called ‘Walk the Lost World of the Great Black Sea’

Rob Verger 06.15.10 | 12:42 PM ET

My travel book will be called “Hunting the Motorcycle on River Night,” and it will star Gael Garcia Bernal.

Jim Benning 06.15.10 | 12:50 PM ET

Hold on, Rob, that was going to be the title of my book!

Rob Verger 06.15.10 | 12:53 PM ET

Let’s co-write, and split the movie rights 50-50!

Jim Benning 06.15.10 | 1:40 PM ET

You drive a hard bargain, Rob, but okay. Deal.

Rob Verger 06.15.10 | 5:24 PM ET

Sounds great!

I’m surprised no one has claimed “Desert Falcon Maintenance Fever” yet.

Lisa Alpine 06.15.10 | 7:37 PM ET

Okay guys, move over! MY book which will sell millions more than Gilbert’s is titled: “Hot River Flowing South: Tales From the Center of an Erupting Volcano.”

Lola 06.15.10 | 8:15 PM ET

Haha. Love it!

Why not make it an anthology? There seems to be a new release every week.

Zaki 06.16.10 | 2:18 AM ET

I wonder what kind of plot it’s gonna be? Thriller or adventure? Anyway, a good combination of wonderful title and plot will make you rich)))))))))))))))))

essay writing services 06.16.10 | 10:42 AM ET

Great post!  Thanks for sharing!

Richard Wilson 06.17.10 | 1:22 AM ET

Thanks for the post! You inspire me! But nonetheless, i will not venture on writing books. I just love to travel and if you will published that book, I’m looking forward to buy that and review the contents and twit Sean Penn if the book is good! Thanks!

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