What’s Become of the World’s Red-Light Districts?

Travel Blog  •  Michael Yessis  •  06.18.09 | 3:50 PM ET

Photo by FaceMePLS, via Flickr (Creative Commons)

A Wallpaper slideshow looks at how red-light districts in Amsterdam, Singapore, Sydney and seven other major world cities have been cleaned up. Or, as the story’s intro describes the transformation of Times Square in New York City, how they’ve reacted after after being given an “urban colonic.”

1 Comment for What’s Become of the World’s Red-Light Districts?

jm 06.19.09 | 11:43 AM ET

The travel channel seems to focus too much on ‘eating contests’  and too little on actual travel!  Consequently I simply - often-times -  don’t tune in to the travel channel for several days at a time.  Especially since other channels seem to be picking up on the ‘travel’ section!  We also lose interest in the ‘spooky’ and ‘weird’ shows.

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