The White House Luau: President Obama ‘Wants his Hawaii Grinds’

Travel Blog  •  Michael Yessis  •  06.25.09 | 11:27 AM ET

Luau performer in Hawaii. Photo by alohateam via Flickr (Creative Commons)

The first-ever White House Hawaiian-style luau is scheduled to take place tonight, with President Obama hosting a meal created and prepared by Alan Wong.

Good for Obama. He loves his home state of Hawaii, and Hawaii loves him back—though, as seen in this slideshow, sometimes it loves him in funny ways.

In any case, Obama will get some Hawaiian food—the chef’s shopping list includes 84 pounds of Hawaiian macadamia nuts, 130 pounds of salmon and 650 pounds of pork butt—cooked by the proprietor of one of his favorite restaurants. And Hawaii hopes it will get what it desperately needs: a boost for tourism.

2 Comments for The White House Luau: President Obama ‘Wants his Hawaii Grinds’

Cutback citizen 06.25.09 | 4:12 PM ET

Hmmm, I thought we have ALL been told to cut back! Oh, this must be another “DateNight”.
We tax payers are sure loving those “DateNights”

smrstrauss 06.25.09 | 11:23 PM ET

Re: “Hmmm, I thought we have ALL been told to cut back!”

Actually, no. If you have a citation, please post it. However, it is unlikely.

When you are in a recession, you want people to SPEND, not to cut back. If they cut back, the recession will get worse and very quickly.

However, I will agree with you that buying books for schools would be a better way of spending money than having a Luau.

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